An award-winning theologian, Rajaratnam researches the sense of the faithful through the lens of local church to advance a synodal reception of Vatican II.  Accordingly, Rajaratnam creates space for a stronger consideration of culture and place in Catholicism as it is lived.

Rajaratnam’s most recent peer-reviewed publication, “Do Culture, Place, and Local Church Matter?: A New Schema for the Sensus Fidei for a Synodal Church” and his current projects are at the forefront of synodality. He is working on his first monograph focusing on the sense of the faithful in a synodal church in light of culture, place, and periphery. Rajaratnam is also writing two articles on the influence of ressourcement ecclesiology on Pope Francis’ synodal vision church and on a more synodal, local, and ministerial understanding of the theologian’s vocation. Additionally, Rajaratnam brings theology to publics beyond the academy offering his theological charism to the local church and regularly contributing to Sacred Heart University's public theology forum, Go, Rebuild My House. 

Through his breath of ministerial experience as a youth minister, campus minister, diocesan director, and ministerial formator, Rajaratnam recognized the need for theology to more deeply engage the lived reality of Church. Consequently, Rajaratnam developed a strong research interest in theological ethnography.

At Saint John’s University School of Theology & Seminary, Rajaratnam continues his theological research as he teaches and forms the next generation of lay and ordained ministers for the Catholic Church.

Research Interests

Synodality, Sense of the Faithful, Theological Ethnography, Local Church, Mission, Ministry, and Discipleship, Catholic Social Teaching, Race & Inculturation, Ecclesiology, Pneumatology

Current Appointment

Director of Ministerial Formation, Saint John’s University School of Theology & Seminary (Collegeville, MN)


PhD Candidate, Christian Theology, Saint Louis University

M.T.S, Theological Studies, Boston College

B.S. Aerospace Engineering, University of Tennessee


Peer-Reviewed articles

“Do Culture, Place, and Local Church Matter?: A New Schema of the Sensus Fidei For a Synodal Church.” In Theology and Media(tion): Rendering the Absent Present, edited by Stephen Oakey and Katherine Schmidt, Vol. 69. The Annual Volume of the College Theology Society (2024)

Working Manuscripts

“Catholicity Amid white Normativity: How Inculturating White Culture Fosters Ecclesial Diversity” (Under Review)

“An Integrated Model of Yves Congar’s Communion Ecclesiology: A Model for Interpreting Pope Francis’ Language of Center and Periphery” (In Progress)

“The Spirit Has Called Me and the Church Should Install Me: The Theologian as an Ecclesially Repositioned Minister in the Local Church” (In Progress)

Book Reviews

Review of Pope Francis as a Moral Leader: Ethicist, Discerner, Communicator, and Advocate for Social Justice, by Thomas Massaro, SJ. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44, no. 2 (2024): 411-412.

Public Scholarship

How Can the U.S. Church Promote Missionary Interculturality in the Context of White Normativity?" Go, Rebuild My House, Sacred Heart University, May 2024

The Challenge of Race and Place for Local SynodalityGo, Rebuild My House. Sacred Heart University. May 2024.

Finding Meaning Under the StarsHumanities Moments: A Project of the National Humanities Center. Humanities Center, July 2021.

Invited Papers

Grace in the Context of Colonialism: A Multi-Generational Account of Inculturating Tamil Catholicism,” Catholic Theological Society of America (Portland, OR), June 2025

The Sensus Fidei of the Poor: A Theological Locus from which to Respond to Economic Exclusion,” Catholic Theological Society of America (Baltimore, MD), June 2021

An Integrated Model of Yves Congar’s Communion Ecclesiology: A Resource for Interpreting Pope Francis’ Categories of Center and Periphery,” College Theology Society (Mobile, AL), June 2021

Fellowships & Awards

Hank Fellowship, Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (Loyola University Chicago), $5K, August 2021

Susan Perry Best Graduate Student Essay, College Theology Society, May 2020

Religion & Public Life Fellowship, Lived Religion in the Digital Age (Saint Louis University), $23K, Aug 2019 – June 2020

Brennan Summer Research Award, Graduate Student Association (Saint Louis University), $1K, May 2020

Conference Presentations

Rome Has Spoken, The Matter Is Closed: Reimagining a Nicaean Era Vision of Papal Primacy in the Context of Synodality and White Supremacy,” Ecclesiological Investigations (Thessaloniki, Greece), September 2025

Disciple by Baptism, Minister by Call: Reframing the Theologian’s Vocation in Light of Synodality, Locality, and Catholicity,” Catholic Theological Society of America (Portland, OR), June 2025

Ecclesial Diversity Amid white Normativity: How Inculturating white Culture Cultivates Catholicity,” Ecclesiological Investigations (Chicago, IL) June 2024

"Interventionist Papacies and Synodal Intransigencies: The Limits of Decentralization in the Context of Racial Vulnerability and White Supremacy,“ College Theology Society (Denver, CO) June 2024

Schematizing the Sense of the Faithful: How the Local Church Mediates the Universal Church’s Sense of Faith,” College Theology Society (Fairfield, CT), June 2023

"The Emergence of White Catholicism: The Intersection of Race and Space in the U.S. Catholic Church," Midwest American Academy of Religion (Muncie, In), March 2020 *This paper was accepted but the conference was cancelled due to COVID19.

"Ecclesiology as Theodicy: Discerning the Spirit in the Midst of Ecclesially Caused Suffering,” Midwest American Academy of Religion (Muncie, In), March 2020. *This paper was accepted but the conference was cancelled due to COVID19.

"The Spirit Has Called Me, the Church Should Install Me: The Theologian as an Ecclesially Repositioned Public Intellectual,” American Academy of Religion (San Diego, CA), Nov 2019

The Legacy of Catholic Whiteness: Discerning Ecclesial Political Action in the Age of Trump,” Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology XII (Leuven, Belgium), Oct 2019

“Discerning the Spirit in a Polarized Church: An Application of Catholic Social Teaching to the Concept of Sensus Fidelium.” New Wine, New Wineskins (South Bend, IN), July 2019

"Liberating the Spirit: The Sensus Fidelium as a Phenomena Oriented toward Black Liberation," College Theology Society (South Bend, IN), May 2019

"Liberating the Spirit for Mission: An Understanding of the Sense of Faith through Black Liberation Theology," Midwest American Academy of Religion (Muncie, In), March 2019

"Is it Racism or the Spirit? An Application of James Cones’ Missional Theology to the Catholic Concept of Sensus Fidelium," Minority Scholars of Religion and Theology Student Conference (St. Louis, MO), March 2019

"The Theological Vocation in Light of Vatican II: The Theologian as Ecclesial Minister," Graduate Research Symposium, Saint Louis University (St. Louis, MO) April 2018

"Pope Francis' Vision of a Poor Church for the Poor: An Unpredictable, Open-Ended, and Spirit-Driven Process," American Academy of Religion Midwest (Muncie, IN) Mar 2018

"The Ecclesial Character of Dissent," Minority Scholars of Religion and Theology Student Conference (St. Louis, MO), March 2018

"Taking on the Smell of the Sheep: An Ecstatic Congruence between the Bishop's Sensus Fidei and his Local Church's Sensus Fidelium," Lumen et Vita, Boston College (Boston, MA), Feb. 2018

"Particular & Final Judgement: A Singular Event United Through the Metaphor of Sleep," Lumen et Vita, Boston College (Boston, MA), Jan. 2017

Professional Organizations

Catholic Theological Society of America (Since March 2020)

The College Theology Society (Since January 2017)

American Academy of Religion (Since January 2017)

Society of Christian Ethics (Since March 2020)

Catholic Campus Ministry Association (Since December 2020)

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (Since Jan 2012)

Academic Service

Section Co-Chair, Ecclesiology, College Theology Society (July 2024 - Present)

Leadership Team, BIPOC Caucus, College Theology Society (July 2023 – Present)

Section Chair, Undergraduate Papers, Midwest American Academy of Religion (August 2018 – August 2020)